

[Source: http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20110714/photo/0714-00407-030b1.jpg]

This is a news photo of Hong Kong people throwing paper planes towards the Legislative Council during a protest. These paper planes are called “the public’s opinion”, however, throwing paper planes on the street could be considered as illegal dumping. The protesters challenged the government whether they consider the public’s opinion as garbage or not. 

This photo features protestors, paper planes and the old Legislative Council Building.


This photo is imbalanced, while the bright colour building is on the left and the crowd are on the bottom part of the photo, and the dark sky on the top right corner.

The focus of the photo is on the flying paper planes and the protestors.

Angle and vantage point
The angle of the photo is from the bottom and right side of the photo towards the left side of the photo. 

This photo shows that the government is weak and disregard to the public’s opinion. The protestors are strong. The lighting is focused on the protestors and paper planes rather that the building. And the vantage point is on the crowd but not from the building. There are many protestors outside the building but no people in the building and the lights are quite dim, it represents that the government is cool and does not listen to the public, and the public are strong and they dislike the government. This photo also features the public-opinion-paper-planes, the planes are pointing towards the building and looks like attacking the building. And the Legislative Council building is very
old, it represents the government is very stubborn and not open to the citizens and new ideas.

3/19/2013 11:45:09 pm

You may mention how the angle of shooting affects the mood and message of this photo


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