

I think Group 6’s poster is the most effective one to promote the black burger. Out of the six posters, Group 6’s one looks cool and the least “cartoon-ish”. The  solid black background and the font make the poster more stylish, and it would attract teenagers or young adults, since they are the target customers of the black burger. The poster also has the rest of the burger (the veg and the meat) placed in the middle and in a large-scale, this could also show the ingredients of the burger. Since the sauce of the burger is also in black colour, having it featured in the middle clearly could also tell the customers what is in between the bun. The slogan “Find The Bread Yourself Here in BurgerKing” does not mentioned the word “black” and it could create a sense of mystery, since people may not be able to image a black burger before they really visit the shop. And this could greatly attract viewers to find out why the bun disappeared. 

Overall, I like the simplicity of this poster. A black poster could be very eye-catching on the billboard.

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