

I think Group 6’s poster is the most effective one to promote the black burger. Out of the six posters, Group 6’s one looks cool and the least “cartoon-ish”. The  solid black background and the font make the poster more stylish, and it would attract teenagers or young adults, since they are the target customers of the black burger. The poster also has the rest of the burger (the veg and the meat) placed in the middle and in a large-scale, this could also show the ingredients of the burger. Since the sauce of the burger is also in black colour, having it featured in the middle clearly could also tell the customers what is in between the bun. The slogan “Find The Bread Yourself Here in BurgerKing” does not mentioned the word “black” and it could create a sense of mystery, since people may not be able to image a black burger before they really visit the shop. And this could greatly attract viewers to find out why the bun disappeared. 

Overall, I like the simplicity of this poster. A black poster could be very eye-catching on the billboard.



[Source: http://i.americanapparel.net/flash/src/auto/2492/23470.jpg]

This is an American Apparel advertisement of a hooded jacket. This ad is controversial because of the
inappropriate use of sex to sell the product. 

The ad is an “illustration” of a young girl wearing the hooded jacket and a red panty, lying on the bed, to
sell the product. It shows that the hooded jacket product could be worn without any clothing underneath and that’s what the AA brand thinks is cool and stylish, they are trying to give a mirror effect to young consumers that they could look as sensual and sexy like the model if they wear this cotton hooded jacket. 

However, it does not appeal to my positive emotion but my negative emotion. The model poses on a bed with her
chest, stomach and legs bare. The girl looks very young and should not wear clothes in that way. To me, she doesn’t look sexy but silly and disgusting. 

The ads put much emphasis on sex rather than the clothing product. If it is an underwear product, I think it’s justifiable to use sex to sell the product; but this is a sporty cotton hooded jacket, it’s not necessary to use sex to sell it. Also, AA’s target customers are teenagers and young adults (in fact, they have kids wear as well), some of the young teenagers might not have a complete concept about sex and relationships, these ads would really affect their attitude towards sex. Imagine if a young girl who simply wants to buy a hooded jacket for PE lesson but end up seeing this ad on AA’s website.



[Source: http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20110714/photo/0714-00407-030b1.jpg]

This is a news photo of Hong Kong people throwing paper planes towards the Legislative Council during a protest. These paper planes are called “the public’s opinion”, however, throwing paper planes on the street could be considered as illegal dumping. The protesters challenged the government whether they consider the public’s opinion as garbage or not. 

This photo features protestors, paper planes and the old Legislative Council Building.


This photo is imbalanced, while the bright colour building is on the left and the crowd are on the bottom part of the photo, and the dark sky on the top right corner.

The focus of the photo is on the flying paper planes and the protestors.

Angle and vantage point
The angle of the photo is from the bottom and right side of the photo towards the left side of the photo. 

This photo shows that the government is weak and disregard to the public’s opinion. The protestors are strong. The lighting is focused on the protestors and paper planes rather that the building. And the vantage point is on the crowd but not from the building. There are many protestors outside the building but no people in the building and the lights are quite dim, it represents that the government is cool and does not listen to the public, and the public are strong and they dislike the government. This photo also features the public-opinion-paper-planes, the planes are pointing towards the building and looks like attacking the building. And the Legislative Council building is very
old, it represents the government is very stubborn and not open to the citizens and new ideas.


This is a set of photos of different households in their 100 sq. ft. public housing apartment in Shek Kip Mei Estate. The photo essay was created by Michael Wolf. These are some of my favourite images of the collection. 

This photo essay captures the different living environment of the same size apartment. We can see the stories and lifestlyes of each households. There are different family members, some of them are living alone, some are old couples, some of them are a family of three or four. They are in different age, like some are young school kids, some are just retired couples, but there are also 80 years old elderly. The people also have different facial expression, like smiling, or look bored.We can see the decoration of their apartments, the first photo shows a neat and tidy home, the second one shows a messy home and the last is a very empty home. The furnitures and other things in their home shows their habits, like whether they cook at home or like to watch TV or not. 

This photo essay is saying that even though people lives in the same housing estate, and they have different living environment, but they have strong relationships. There are many memories in their apartment and in the community, and should not be damaged because of redevelopment.


This editorial cartoon is about freedom of speech in China.

There are a number of Chinese citizens being interviewed by foreign press, but their mouths are all locked up with padlocks. It indicates that the Chinese government are trying to avoid foreign press to know what really happened in China and what the people feels. The Chinese citizens are deprived of freedom of speech. They are not allowed to say anything bad about the government to the press or in the internet. The Chinese citizens are also looking very upset, they look like they have something to tell the others, but the Chinese Communist Government, represented by the two flags at the back, are keeping track of them, as if they are doing this for the nation.

The cartoonist mainly uses symbolism techniques in this cartoon. The China flags tell that the interviewees
are Chinese citizens. The padlock refers to the institutional arrangements of the Chinese government, that people are not given the freedom of speech. Also, there are skulls on the padlocks, they symbolizes that the governors who uses these padlocks are evil and people will receive horrible punishments if they break the rules.

The cartoonist doesn’t like China because they deprived their citizens’ human rights, like freedom of speech, as in this editorial cartoon. He thinks that China is covering too much about the bad things of the country, and the people are forced to follow the country’s commands. I agree with the cartoonist views about China, the Chinese
government has been hiding the real situations happening in the country, also its authoritarian governance.
For example, China has blocked Facebook in its territory, also other foreign social media like twitter and Youtube, to avoid foreign ideologies and information flowing into the Mainland. The government was scared about social disharmony and oppositions to the government. The other examples are civic activist like Aiweiwei and Zhaolianhai are arrested of protesting and expressing opposition views to the government. Both of them were put into jail. Overall, I think this cartoon does match what’s happening in China now.

Photo Source: http://www.gocomics.com/viewsasia/2013/01/11